On June 3, 2017 I had an accident that had profound effects on my lifestyle. This blog recounts my road to recovery. Until June 3, 2017, I have never had any broken bones (not counting a broken collar bone as a child that didn’t require surgery) or major surgery (don’t count impacted wisdom teeth as…

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On June 3, 2017 I had an accident that had profound effects on my lifestyle. This blog recounts my road to recovery. My weekly surgeon visits had been going well. The incisions healed well, without infection. The swelling in the ankle continued to subside. I felt increased strength developing in the ankle. I still was…

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On June 3, 2017 I had an accident that had profound effects on my lifestyle. This blog recounts my road to recovery. One would think that the surgery and trauma of a severe compound fracture would be the source of greatest pain.. While no picnic and I wouldn’t recommend it, the actual trauma of the…

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